پودمان:Hatnote list: تفاوت میان نسخه‌ها

۱۶۹ بایت اضافه‌شده ،  ‏۲۶ دسامبر ۲۰۲۱
Undid revision 1062166786 by Matthiaspaul (talk); should be fixed now, and if not, please ping me with examples as I couldn't reproduce the original error
جز (۱ نسخه واردشده)
(Undid revision 1062166786 by Matthiaspaul (talk); should be fixed now, and if not, please ping me with examples as I couldn't reproduce the original error)
خط ۹: خط ۹:

local mArguments --initialize lazily
local mArguments --initialize lazily
local mFormatLink = require('Module:Format link')
local mHatnote = require('Module:Hatnote')
local mHatnote = require('Module:Hatnote')
local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil')
local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil')
خط ۲۳: خط ۲۴:
--default options table used across the list stringification functions
--default options table used across the list stringification functions
local stringifyListDefaultOptions = {
local stringifyListDefaultOptions = {
conjunction = "و",
conjunction = "and",
separator = "،",
separator = ",",
altSeparator = "؛",
altSeparator = ";",
space = " ",
space = " ",
formatted = false
formatted = false
--Searches display text only
local function searchDisp(haystack, needle)
return string.find(
string.sub(haystack, (string.find(haystack, '|') or 0) + 1), needle

-- Stringifies a list generically; probably shouldn't be used directly
-- Stringifies a list generically; probably shouldn't be used directly
function stringifyList(list, options)
local function stringifyList(list, options)
-- Type-checks, defaults, and a shortcut
-- Type-checks, defaults, and a shortcut
checkType("stringifyList", 1, list, "table")
checkType("stringifyList", 1, list, "table")
خط ۴۲: خط ۵۰:
local s = options.space
local s = options.space
-- Format the list if requested
-- Format the list if requested
if options.formatted then list = mHatnote.formatPages(unpack(list)) end
if options.formatted then
list = mFormatLink.formatPages(
{categorizeMissing = mHatnote.missingTargetCat}, list
-- Set the separator; if any item contains it, use the alternate separator
-- Set the separator; if any item contains it, use the alternate separator
local separator = options.separator
local separator = options.separator
--searches display text only
local function searchDisp(t, f)
return mw.ustring.find(mw.ustring.sub(t, (mw.ustring.find(t, '|') or 0) + 1), f)
for k, v in pairs(list) do
for k, v in pairs(list) do
if searchDisp(v, separator) then
if searchDisp(v, separator) then
خط ۶۵: خط ۷۳:

--DRY function
--DRY function
function conjList (conj, list, fmt)
function p.conjList (conj, list, fmt)
return stringifyList(list, {conjunction = conj, formatted = fmt})
return stringifyList(list, {conjunction = conj, formatted = fmt})

-- Stringifies lists with "and" or "or"
-- Stringifies lists with "and" or "or"
function p.andList (...) return conjList("و", ...) end
function p.andList (...) return p.conjList("and", ...) end
function p.orList (...) return conjList("یا", ...) end
function p.orList (...) return p.conjList("or", ...) end

خط ۸۲: خط ۹۰:
--default options table used across the forSee family of functions
--default options table used across the forSee family of functions
local forSeeDefaultOptions = {
local forSeeDefaultOptions = {
andKeyword = 'و',
andKeyword = 'and',
title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text,
title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text,
otherText = 'دیگر کاربردها',
otherText = 'other uses',
forSeeForm = 'برای %%s را ببینید.',
forSeeForm = 'For %s, see %s.',

--Collapses duplicate punctuation
--Collapses duplicate punctuation
function punctuationCollapse (text)
local function punctuationCollapse (text)
local replacements = {
local replacements = {
["%.%.$"] = ".",
["%.%.$"] = ".",
["%؟%.$"] = "؟",
["%?%.$"] = "?",
["%!%.$"] = "!",
["%!%.$"] = "!",
["%.%]%]%.$"] = ".]]",
["%.%]%]%.$"] = ".]]",
["%؟%]%]%.$"] = "؟]]",
["%?%]%]%.$"] = "?]]",
["%!%]%]%.$"] = "!]]"
["%!%]%]%.$"] = "!]]"
for k, v in pairs(replacements) do text = mw.ustring.gsub(text, k, v) end
for k, v in pairs(replacements) do text = string.gsub(text, k, v) end
return text
return text
خط ۱۷۱: خط ۱۷۹:
for k, v in pairs(forSeeTable) do
for k, v in pairs(forSeeTable) do
local useStr = v.use or options.otherText
local useStr = v.use or options.otherText
local pagesStr = p.andList(v.pages, true) or mHatnote._formatLink{link = mHatnote.disambiguate(options.title)}
local pagesStr =
local forSeeStr = mw.ustring.format(options.forSeeForm, useStr, pagesStr)
p.andList(v.pages, true) or
categorizeMissing = mHatnote.missingTargetCat,
link = mHatnote.disambiguate(options.title)
local forSeeStr = string.format(options.forSeeForm, useStr, pagesStr)
forSeeStr = punctuationCollapse(forSeeStr)
forSeeStr = punctuationCollapse(forSeeStr)
table.insert(strList, forSeeStr)
table.insert(strList, forSeeStr)
کاربر ناشناس